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The Life Sciences Park
a Testament to Our

Multifaceted Capabilities

Project Overview
MED has been at the forefront of realizing Malta Enterprise's vision for the state-of-the-art Life Sciences Park, a beacon of innovation and entrepreneurial growth. Spanning 36,715 square meters within the San Gwann Industrial Estate, this project, owned by Malta Industrial Parks, is set to become a dynamic nucleus for light industry, research, testing, and product development.

A Phased Vision
The development of the Life Sciences Park, under MED's stewardship, was strategically segmented into two phases. Phase 1, which we have successfully carried forward, focuses on establishing the Technology and Enterprise Centre (TEC), marking the first step in transforming the park into a hub of innovation. However, for Phase 2, MED took the initiative to revise and create a new master plan, further expanding and refining the vision for the park.

Architectural Landscape
In Phase 1, MED has overseen the development of approximately 7,174 square meters of floor space, with buildings LS4 and LS10 serving as architectural highlights. LS4, designed with modern workspaces, meeting areas, and reception facilities, creatively utilizes the space above an existing reservoir. LS10, dedicated to community amenities like a gym, childcare centre, and restaurant, enhances the work-life balance within the park. These buildings, set in an area of 1,314 square meters, are strategically positioned to facilitate seamless connectivity with key institutions like Mater Dei Hospital and the University of Malta.

Landscaping and Environmental Consideration
The Life Sciences Park, through MED's landscaping design, dedicates 5,860 square meters to green spaces, balancing environmental concerns with aesthetic appeal. This landscaping not only mitigates rainwater runoff but also establishes vital links within the San Gwann Industrial Park, contributing to the site's overall vitality.

Cost of Project


Size:<br>29,696 sqm

29,696 sqm

Status:<br>On Going

On Going



Location:<br>San Gwann

San Gwann


The Life Sciences Park
Project Gallery
